SoccerIN Forum
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SoccerIN Forum
Please login to view and post in the SoccerIN Forum. If you do not have an account, please register.

Welcome to the new SoccerIN Forum! Please participate in any of the below topics or feel free to create your own. To register an account, please click on the address book with the green plus sign below. It will require a username, email, and password.
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See what all changes are in store for SoccerIN. Click on the New Features thread for more!
Make sure you like SoccerIN on Facebook and Follow @Soccer_IN on Twitter. Who knows, you may win something cool!
Coming Soon - The schedule database will be online on July 23
SoccerIN will be at the NSCAA Showcase in Lawrence, Indiana July 20-21. We will have video from the event and photos. Come out and enjoy some soccer in the summer time at the Lawrence Soccer Complex

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